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15 Reasons Why I don’t Celebrate Women’s Day!

True, women have better representation across all spheres, but there’s still so many oppressions that we are yet to overcome, that it seems rather inappropriate to celebrate! Here are 10 Reasons Why I don’t Celebrate Women’s Day!
Financial Burden
Women face higher poverty rates than men, if they come from historically excluded backgrounds.
Inequality at Work & Pay Gap
There are about 104 countries today that prevent women from doing the same work as men. In India, there is about a 70% pay gap between men & women. (ET)
Lack of Opportunity
181 million girls and young women are not given the opportunity to study or work.
Economic Limitations
About 88% of countries restrict women’s economic opportunities.
Victims of Violent Crimes
Transgender women are over 4 times more likely to be victims of violent crime compared to cisgender women.
Approximately 1.2M children are trafficked into various forms of slavery every year, out of which, 80% are girls.
Ban on Human Rights
Globally, there are 25 countries that are still banning or limiting reproductive rights & the number is increasing!
Subject to Violence
1 in 3 women will experience violence at least once in their lifetime. Can we EVER feel safe?
Victims of HIV-AIDS
As per reports of UNAIDS 2022, about 54% of all people living with HIV AIDS are either women or children.
Forced Marriage
Women are still forced into marriage. Stats say 28 girls per minute are forced to marry against their will; some are as young as 8 years!
No Freedom
As of 2024, there are about 32 countries where women need their husband’s approval to apply for a passport!
Body Image Issues
Women are subjected to irrational body image presumptions dominated by the society and due to this almost 1 in 10 women has self-harmed herself because of this.
Female Genital Mutilation
130 million plus women have undergone female genital mutilation worldwide. Sadly, this is a rampant practice in many countries till date!
Premature Death
It is estimated that more than 22k girls die annually from pregnancy & childbirth due to child marriage.
Poor/ Lack of Legislation
Only 76 countries have legislation specifically addressing domestic violence, out of which only 57 include sexual abuse.
Unsafe Abortions
Due to strict anti-abortion laws or lack of economically viable safe options, about 47K women die annually and 5 Million are disabled due to unsafe abortions!