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How Much do MP’s, Prime Minister & President of India Earn?

Lok Sabha Elections result 2024 was out on June 5, ‘24. BJP is set to form the new government for next 5 years, determining India’s social & economic growth! Let’s look at how much MLA’s, MP’s, Prime Minister & President of India earn!
President of India
  • Salary: INR 5,00,000/month
  • Perks & Allowances: Free - travel, housing, medical care & INR 1,00,000 for office expenses
VP of India
  • Salary: INR 4,00,000/month
  • Perks: Free accommodation, medical care, travel, phone, personal security & staff
Additional Benefits of the VP of India
  • INR 1,05,000 post-retirement pension/month
  • If serves as Acting President, then access to all presidential facilities & benefits
Prime Minister of India
Salary: INR 1,66,000/month basic pay of INR 50K, expense allowance of INR 3K, Parliamentary allowance of INR 45,000 & daily allowance of INR 45,000.
Perks & Allowances of the PM of India
Official residence, SPG security, free travel, stay & food expenses for international trips. Post-retirement free accommodation, utility & SPG security for 5 years
Members of Parliament (MP)
  • Salary: INR 1,00,000/month
  • Perks: Basic INR 50k & Allowances (daily-INR 2K, travel-INR 16/km, constituency-INR 45,000/month, office expense-INR 45,000)
Additional Benefits of MP’s
Free medical care for self & families, travel reimbursements for official work, free housing for the duration of their tenure.
Leader of Opposition:
Salary: INR 20,000
Travel: upto INR 50,000/ YEAR
Sumptuary: INR 4000
Constituency: INR 18,000
Daily: INR 1000
Free: housing, conveyance & medical