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How to Make Gap Certificate for College Admission?

Do you want to resume your studies after a long break? Most colleges or universities don’t accept applications until candidates submit a gap certificate. Tap to check the process to make a gap certificate for college admission.
What is a Gap Certificate?
A gap certificate is a self-declaration that states the reason for a significant interval taken by a student. Generally, universities prescribe a specific format for this certificate.
Why Make Gap Certificate?
  • It provides proof of the gap year
  • Students can continue their education after an interval
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Steps to Make a Gap Certificate
  • Draft a letter with a non-judicial e-stamp
  • Print it
  • Gather all necessary documents
  • Take the affidavit to a notary public for attestation
Important Details for Gap Certificate
  • Candidate’s name and age
  • Parent’s name
  • Address
  • Highest qualification
  • Period of gap
  • Reason for gap
  • Self-declaration for not involving any illegal activities
List of Documents for Gap Certificate
  • Marksheet
  • Transfer certificate
  • Identity proof
  • Certificate of previous degree
  • Birth certificate