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Important Formulas for JEE Mains 2024 Physics

Test takers can score better in PCM questions if they are well-versed with the formulas to crack JEE Main 2024. Like Maths and Chemistry, Physics and the topics in it are driven with a lot of formulas. Check important formulas for JEE Mains
Kinematics Formulas
  • V = u + at 
  • S = ut + ½at
  • V2 = u2 + 2as
Gravitation Formulas
  • F = G (m1m2)/r2
  • g = GM/r2
  • T2 = (4π2r3)/GM
Laws of Motion Formula
  • F = ma
  • F = μN
  • Fg = mg
Law of Thermodynamics Formula
  • ΔS = Q/T
  • ΔU = Q-W
Heat Transfer Formulas
  • Q = mcΔT
  • Q = ml
Thermodynamic Processes Formulas
  • PV = nRT
  • Q = ΔU + W
Work, Energy & Power Formulas
  • W = Fdcos θ   
  • KE = 1/2mv2
  • P = w/t
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