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JEE Main Last Minute Preparation Tips

Preparing for the JEE Main April session? With the limited time in hand, it’s the last-minute preparation tips and strategies that will help you ace the competition. Check here JEE Main last minute preparation tips based on the toppers’ tip
Fix a Timetable
JEE Main aspirants need to prepare a timetable so that they can allocate sufficient time for three subjects equally. Follow that timetable religiously thereafter.
Avoid Learning New Topics
Picking up new topics at this time is not an ideal way. You might want to cover everything that’s left, however, it’s critical to polish the topics you have already covered rather than starting something new.
Make the Most of the Revision Notes
As every hour counts, make the most of the short notes you have prepared during the preparation. These short notes will help you retain everything afresh in your brain that you have prepared so far.
Have Fundamental Clarity of Concepts
Mugging up answers won’t help you crack JEE Main. Instead, gaining a complete understanding of different concepts from PCM is important.
Take Mock Tests & Practice Sample Papers
The more you practice, the higher your chances of achieving success in JEE Main. Students must attempt mock tests and practice sample papers to keep a check on their preparation level.
Follow Proper Diet
To keep your mind active and boost memory power, a healthy diet is necessary. Don’t eat anything which can make you fall ill.
JEE Main 2024 Exam Day Preparation Tips
Be calm and composed. Don’t feel perplexed by looking at the question paper no matter how difficult it may seem. A confident mind will help you secure better marks.
JEE Main 2024 Exam Day Strategy
First, attempt the easy questions or the questions you are familiar with and leave the difficult ones for later. Be mindful of the negative marking. Speed and accuracy will help you score better.
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