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Last minute preparation tips for NEET Exam 2024

Gearing up for last minute NEET preparation? As India’s toughest medical entrance nears, performance fear grip hold of aspirants. No worries! We have brought you some useful last minute preparation tips for NEET exam 2024.
Revise the Core Concepts
Students must pay more attention to important concepts in the subject of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. To score well, revise high-weightage topics.
Preparation Hacks
Don’t Pick New Topics
A grim mistake often students commit while on their last minute NEET preparation phase is picking new topics. Try concentrating only on topics you have already prepared.
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Practice Mock Tests
During the last phase of NEET preparation, mock tests play a major role in assessing performance of students. It helps identify weaker areas.
Clear Doubts
While attempting mocks tests, if you come across any weaker section, it's important to seek help from teachers or online sources.
Choose Resources Wisely
In the quest to perform better, NEET aspirants must avoid referring to multiple resources. It is advisable to read from NCERT books as maximum questions are based on them.
Relax your Mind
NEET aspirants should take study breaks and try relaxing their minds. A fresh and sound mind can help in boosting memory power.