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Java Programming Interview Questions asked by Top Companies

The no. of software developers is expected to touch 28.7M by 2024. Although Kotlin, Python are popular, Java, due to its versatility, is a popular coding language. See java programming interview questions asked by top companies.
Google: Explain the difference between == and equals() in Java.
== checks for reference equality (objects point to the same memory location), while equals() compares object values.
Amazon: How can you ensure thread safety in your Java applications?
Use synchronized methods, blocks, or concurrent collections like ConcurrentHashMap.
Facebook: Describe the garbage collection process in Java.
Garbage collection automatically reclaims unused memory in the Java heap.
PayPal: Explain the benefits of using HashMaps over HashTables in Java.
HashMaps offer faster insertion and retrieval due to their non-synchronized nature (unless specified).
Uber: How can you compare objects of different classes in Java?
Use the instanceof operator to check if an object belongs to a specific class.
Airbnb: Describe the functionalities of the Java Stream API.
The Java Stream API provides functionalities for manipulating data streams in a concise and functional way.