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Top Mensuration Formulas Every CAT Aspirant Should Master!

Stuck with the mensuration problems? Per previous CAT questions, aspirants can spot at least 5 to 6 problems related to mensuration. Tap here to check the top mensuration formulas every CAT aspirant should master.
Important 2D Mensuration Formulas
  • Area of Circle: Pi X Radius X Radius
  • Surface area of cylinder: 2 X Pi X Radius X (Radius +Height)
  • Surface area of cuboid: 2 X (length X breadth X height + length X height)
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Top Formulas of Cube for CAT Aspirants
  • Total surface area: 2(LB+BH+HL)
  • Curved surface area: 2H(L+B)
  • Volume: LBH
Important Formulas
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CAT Mensuration Formulas for Cone
  • Total surface area: Πr(r + l)
  • Lateral surface area: 2Πrh
  • Volume: Πr2h
Formulas for Hollow Cylinders for CAT
  • 2 Π(r1+r2)(r2+r1+h)
  • 2 Πh(r1 + r2)
  • Πh(r22-r12)
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Top Formulas for Perimeters of Shapes
  • Perimeter of circle: 2 X Pi X Radius
  • Perimeter of triangle: side A + side B + side C
  • Perimeter of square: 4 X side
  • Perimeter of rectangle: 2 X(L+B)