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TS EAMCET Rank for 45 Marks

Did you appear for TS EAMCET and wonder about the rank for 45 marks? We can help. To enable students to analyze their admission chances, analysis of marks vs ranks is vital. Check here the TS EAMCET rank for 45 marks.
TS EAMCET Marks Vs Rank
TS EAMCET marks are the raw score candidates obtained in the exam. Rank is decided by adding EAMCET score that carries 75% weightage with class 12 marks that hold 25% weightage.
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Why Analyse EAMCET Marks & Rank?
Analysis of the TS EAMCET marks and rank offers valuable insight into the minimum marks or rank required to qualify for admission to various colleges.
Check Rank
Is 45 Marks a Good Score?
Students scoring 45 marks in TS EAMCET are considered below-average scores for general candidates. Admission to top colleges can be challenging with this score.
45 Marks Rank in TS EAMCET
Per the EAMCET marks vs rank analysis, the candidates scoring 45 marks in TS EAMCET  can get a rank ranging from 50001 to 80000.
Check Cutoff
Expected TS EAMCET Cutoff Rank
  • CSE: 500-580
  • Chemical engg: 4000-4070
  • ME: 1400-1430
  • EEE: 1400-2470
  • IT: 6600-6690